Pauline Lesley Johnsen (nee Maskery)
April 16, 1950 – November 20, 2003
Pauline was an Elder at St. Matthews and is sadly missed.
When death walks by with quiet tread
To touch a loved one who’s then led
Away from sleep, away from pain,
To wake and live in joy again.
You’ll hear her on a whispered breeze,
A calling bird; in swaying trees.
Do not weep long, but lift your eyes,
You’ll see her glory in God’s skies.
She’ll be there in a swallow’s flight,
Her eyes in stars on a velvet night.
Her courage strong in every tree.
He name carved well, for all eternity.
Hide not your love within your heart,
For Pauline will always be a part
Of you and everything you do,
For death is naught when love is true.
Author uknown (modified)